Windows Hook Routines
Callbacks, enumerations, hooks and subclassing are for VB5/VB6 only.
Updated Monday December 26, 2011
Browse Dialog
SHBrowseForFolder: Browse for Folders Callback Overview
A discussion of the terms and requirements for providing the interface to a Browse for Folders callback routine.

SHBrowseForFolder: Pre-selecting Folders using a Browse Callback
Add a callback routine to your VB5 code to allow pre-selecting of a file system object when displaying the Browse Folders Dialog.

Colour Dialog
ChooseColor: Centering and Customizing the ChooseColor Common Dialog
Using the ChooseColor hook to centre the dialog and modify captions.
 Mar 28.2002

File Dialogs
GetOpenFileName: File Dialog Centering using a Callback
Add a Windows hook allowing centering of the dialog on-screen. June 7.2000

GetOpenFileName: Advanced Dialog Centering using a Callback
Extend the dialog centering code to include other positioning options. June 7.2000

GetOpenFileName: Set an Open/Save Dialog's Initial Listview View
Set the initial listview state to thumbnails, tiled, icon, details or the default list view. Also provides code to show and hide the Places Bar. July 26.2004

GetOpenFileName: Customize File Open/Save Common Dialog Controls
Find out how to change the captions of the dialog buttons and edit fields. June 7.2000

Fonts Dialog

ChooseFont: Adding 'Apply' to the ChooseFont Dialog
Going the extra mile: Add and respond to an 'Apply' button on the Font dialog. June 9.2006

SetWindowsHookEx: Detect Caps/Numlock/Scrollock via System-wide Keyboard Hook
Detecting and responding to a user's activating CapsLock, NumLock or Scroll Lock system-wide. Mar 28.2003

SetWindowsHookEx: Trapping Special Key Events using Low Level Hooks
Preventing ctrl+esc, ctrl+tab and alt+tab across all Windows versions. July 30.2002

Printer Dialogs
In development

SetWindowsHookEx: Centre the API Message Box
Using a h
ook, show your message box centered in the calling form. Apr 11.2002

SetWindowsHookEx: Customize the API Message Box
Add a system hook and manipulate message box settings, including button captions. Feb 06.2001

SetWindowsHookEx: 'Self-Closing' Message Box using a VB Timer
Create a custom message box that counts down and self-closes. Mar 24.2001

SetWindowsHookEx: 'Self-Closing' Message Box using SetTimer
Create a custom message box that counts down and self-closes without using a VB Timer control. Mar 24.2001



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