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Visual Basic Common Control API
Routines CreateWindowEx: 21st Century ToolTips for VB - The Basics |
Posted: | Monday February 13, 2006 | |
Updated: | Monday December 26, 2011 | |
Applies to: | VB4-32, VB5, VB6 | |
Developed with: | VB5, Windows XP | |
OS restrictions: | None - see Prerequisites | |
Author: | Randy Birch | |
Related: |
Shell_NotifyIcon: Display Systray Balloon Tips Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Balloon Tip Clicks Shell_NotifyIcon: Use SetTimer to Define Balloon Tip Life SendMessage: Add Balloon Tips to a Combo Edit Box SendMessage: Add Balloon Tips to a Text Box |
Prerequisites |
None, however some effects such as fading, balloon style etc. require the Shell versions provided with Windows 2000 or Windows XP or later. |
![]() VB's ToolTips are pretty lame compared to what is possible had the language been extended to natively support operating systems later than Windows NT. ToolTips under 2000, XP and later provide functionality sought by developers but unavailable in the native incarnation of the control in VB. This page begins to address and remove the shortcomings.
ToolTip controls are pop-up windows that display text. The text usually describes a tool, which is either a window, such as a child window or control, or an application-defined rectangular area within a window's client area. ToolTips are hidden most of the time; they appear automatically, or pop up, when the user pauses the mouse pointer over a tool. A normal ToolTip appears near the pointer and disappears when the user clicks a mouse button or moves the pointer away from the tool. Although you wouldn't know it from VB's offering, ToolTips today can display a single line of text or multiple lines. Their corners can be rounded or square. They might or might not have a stem that points to the tools like a cartoon balloon. ToolTip text can be stationary or can move with the mouse pointer, called tracking. Stationary text can be displayed adjacent to a tool or it can be displayed over a tool, which is referred to as showing in-place. "Standard ToolTips" are stationary, display a single line of text, have square corners, and have no stem pointing to the tool. Anyone who has worked with Windows API-built main menus might recognize similarities between the creation of those menus and the creation of ToolTips. There are two components to any tooltip:
Each of these ToolTip components (the host window and the toolinfo data) has specific attributes, styles and features: ToolTip control window:
Controls assigned a TOOLINFO structure:
The demo below does not attempt to be inclusive of all the above, but rather provide a demo showing some of the more popular aspects of the API ToolTip controls:
BAS Module Code |
None. |
Form Code |
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Add three text boxes (Text1, Text2, Text3) and 9 command buttons (Command1 through Command9) to a form. Also add a timer control (Timer1). Widen the buttons to accommodate long captions, then add the following code:: |
Option Explicit '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved. ' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own ' applications, but you may not reproduce ' or publish this code on any web site, ' online service, or distribute as source ' on any media without express permission. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private hwndTip As Long Private Const WS_EX_TOPMOST As Long = &H8& Private Const CW_USEDEFAULT As Long = &H80000000 Private Const TOOLTIPS_CLASSA As String = "tooltips_class32" Private Const HWND_TOPMOST As Long = -1 Private Const SWP_NOMOVE As Long = &H2 Private Const SWP_NOACTIVATE As Long = &H10 Private Const SWP_NOSIZE As Long = &H1 Private Const WM_USER As Long = &H400 Private Const WS_POPUP As Long = &H80000000 Private Const TTF_IDISHWND As Long = &H1 Private Const TTF_SUBCLASS As Long = &H10 'Indicates that the ToolTip control appears when 'the cursor is on a tool, even if the ToolTip 'control's owner window is inactive. Without this 'style, the ToolTip appears only when the tool's 'owner window is active. Private Const TTS_ALWAYSTIP As Long = &H1 'Prevents the system from stripping the ampersand 'character from a string. Without this style, the 'system automatically strips ampersand characters. 'This allows an application to use the same string 'as both a menu item and as text in a ToolTip control. Private Const TTS_NOPREFIX As Long = &H2 'Version 5.80. Disables sliding ToolTip animation 'on Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows 2000 systems. 'This style is ignored on earlier systems. Private Const TTS_NOANIMATE As Long = &H10 'Version 5.80. Disables fading ToolTip animation on 'Windows 2000 systems. This style is ignored on 'earlier Windows NT systems, and on Windows 95 and 'Windows 98. Private Const TTS_NOFADE As Long = &H20 'Version 5.80. Indicates that the ToolTip control 'has the appearance of a cartoon "balloon," with 'rounded corners and a stem pointing to the item. Private Const TTS_BALLOON As Long = &H40 'include a X button in the title area of the 'tooltip or balloon tip Private Const TTS_CLOSE As Long = &H80 Private Const TTM_ACTIVATE As Long = (WM_USER + 1) Private Const TTM_ADDTOOL As Long = (WM_USER + 4) Private Const TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT As Long = (WM_USER + 12) Private Const TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR As Long = (WM_USER + 19) Private Const TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR As Long = (WM_USER + 20) Private Const TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH As Long = (WM_USER + 24) Private Const TTM_SETTITLE As Long = (WM_USER + 32) 'IE >= 0x0500 Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Type TOOLINFO cbSize As Long uFlags As Long hwnd As Long uid As Long rc As RECT hinst As Long lpszText As String lParam As Long End Type Private Declare Function CreateWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "CreateWindowExA" _ (ByVal dwExStyle As Long, _ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String, _ ByVal dwStyle As Long, _ ByVal X As Long, _ ByVal Y As Long, _ ByVal nWidth As Long, _ ByVal nHeight As Long, _ ByVal hWndParent As Long, _ ByVal hMenu As Long, _ ByVal hInstance As Long, _ lpParam As Any) As Long Private Declare Function DestroyWindow Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _ ByVal X As Long, _ ByVal Y As Long, _ ByVal cx As Long, _ ByVal cy As Long, _ ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, _ lParam As Any) As Long Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Declare Function InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32" () As Long Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Caption = "Create ToolTips" Command2.Caption = "Change Tip Text Colour" Command3.Caption = "Change Tip Back Colour" Command4.Caption = "Restrict Width to 100 pixels" Command5.Caption = "Set Width to Automatic" Command6.Caption = "Add Title to ToolTip" Command7.Caption = "Remove Title from ToolTip" Command8.Caption = "Change Tip for Text3" Command9.Caption = "Destroy ToolTip" Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False Command5.Enabled = False Command6.Enabled = False Command7.Enabled = False Command8.Enabled = False Command9.Enabled = False Text1.Text = "Mouse over to see animated tip text" Text2.Text = "Mouse over to see maxwidth linewrap demo" Text3.Text = "Mouse over to see effect of using vbCrLf" End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() Call InitCommonControls End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Timer1.Enabled = False Call tooltip_destroy(hwndTip) End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() 'create the tooltip host control (window) hwndTip = tooltip_create(Me.hwnd, True, False) If hwndTip <> 0 Then 'set the back and text colours 'for the tooltip host control tooltip_setbackcolour hwndTip, vbBlue tooltip_settextcolour hwndTip, vbWhite 'Tell the tooltip to automatically adjust its 'size based on the string. A long string may 'exceed the width of the form or screen. A new 'line chr (vbcrlf) introduced into the string 'will cause the text to start on a new line. tooltip_setmaxwidth hwndTip, 0 'instruct the tooltip that it can show itself as 'required, when the mouse passes over the 'respective control. Call tooltip_deactivate to 'turn off the tooltip. Note: this command applies 'to the parent ToolTip window created with CreateWindowEx, 'thus the command issued here affects all controls 'using that base ToolTip window to provide control 'tips based on the TOOLINFO data. If you need the 'ability to have some tips enabled and some disabled, 'you can either call tooltip_activate/deactivate in 'the got/lostfocus events of the controls, or you can 'create additional ToolTip main windows by calling 'tool_tip create and a new set of assignments using 'tooltip_addtool. Note too that if this is done, 'additional code will be required to track the hwnds 'of the ToolTip windows created from each call to 'CreateWindowEx, in order to properly reference the 'windows in subsequent commands including clean up '(DestroyWindow). tooltip_activate hwndTip 'Attach three TOOLINFO structures to the 'tooltip control, each associated with 'a different control on the form. This 'binds the tooltip to the specified control, 'resulting in the appropriate tip being 'displayed when the mouse is over the control. tooltip_addtool hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, vbNullString tooltip_addtool hwndTip, Text2.hwnd, "And this example is a longer " & _ "Tooltip for Text 2 to show the " & _ "effect of changing the tooltip_setmaxwidth." tooltip_addtool hwndTip, Text3.hwnd, "Here's Text 3's Tooltip" 'this is not required in production code; it is used 'to display the effect of calling tooltip_updatetext 'to change the tooltip text while the tooltip is displayed. '(As coded, only the tooltip assigned to Text1 will 'change; the other two text box tooltips will retain 'their respective messages.) Timer1.Interval = 1200 Timer1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True Command3.Enabled = True Command4.Enabled = True Command5.Enabled = True Command6.Enabled = True Command7.Enabled = True Command8.Enabled = True Command9.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() tooltip_settextcolour hwndTip, vbYellow End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() tooltip_setbackcolour hwndTip, vbRed End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() tooltip_setmaxwidth hwndTip, 100 End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() 'Specify 0 to set to automatic sizing. 'vbCrLf is recognized as a line feed in the message. 'specify -1 to return to automatic sizing but 'to also have the control ignore line feed 'characters (they will appear as blocks in the string.) 'to test this difference, run the demo, hit Command3 'to assign a long string with linefeeds to the 'tooltip associated with Text3. The tip will 'display as a multi-line tooltip. Pause the 'demo, change 0 below to -1, resume the app 'and hit this button again. Now the tooltip 'will display all on one line but with blocks 'representing the linefeeds. tooltip_setmaxwidth hwndTip, 0 End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() 'titles do not wrap, so if the length of 'the title is wider than the max width specified 'for the tooltip, the tip widens to accommodate 'the full tooltip title and, if specified, the icon. 'valid icon values: '0 = No icon '1 = Info icon '2 = Warning icon '3 = Error Icon 'greater than 3 = if using Windows XP SP2 or 'later, you can assign a value representing 'a hIcon (your own icon). Any value greater 'than 3 is assumed to be a valid hIcon reference. tooltip_titleadd hwndTip, "VBnet ToolTip Basics Demo", 1 End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() tooltip_titledelete hwndTip End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text3.hwnd, "From the MSDN:" & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "The maximum ToolTip width value " & _ "does not indicate a ToolTip " & _ "window's actual width." End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Call tooltip_destroy(hwndTip) Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = False Command4.Enabled = False Command5.Enabled = False Command6.Enabled = False Command7.Enabled = False Command8.Enabled = False Command9.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Static cnt cnt = cnt + 1 If cnt = 16 Then cnt = 1 Select Case cnt Case 1: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "Although this is not an example.." Case 2: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..of good interface design, it .." Case 3: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..does show how to change tooltip.." Case 4: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..text on-the-fly (and not affect.." Case 5: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..the text in other tooltips!).." Case 7, 8: 'wait 2 cycles to invoke a pause to digest the message so far Case 9: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..But, like a good scotch, this .." Case 10: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..effect is best kept under tight.." Case 11: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..wraps until circumstances really.." Case 12: tooltip_updatetext hwndTip, Text1.hwnd, "..warrant showing it to the world." Case Else 'wait another 4 cycles to invoke another pause End Select End Sub Private Sub tooltip_activate(hwndTip As Long) SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, 1, ByVal 0& End Sub Private Function tooltip_addtool(hwndTip As Long, _ hwndControl As Long, _ sTipText As String) As Long Dim ti As TOOLINFO Dim rc As RECT If hwndTip <> 0 Then GetClientRect hwndControl, rc With ti .cbSize = Len(ti) .uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS Or TTF_IDISHWND .hwnd = hwndControl .hinst = App.hInstance .uid = hwndControl .lpszText = sTipText .rc = rc End With SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0&, ti End If 'hwndTip End Function Private Function tooltip_create(hwndForm As Long, _ bTipAsBalloon As Boolean, _ bTipAlways As Boolean) As Long Dim TTS_TIPSTYLE As Long Dim TTS_TIPALWAYS As Long TTS_TIPSTYLE = IIf(bTipAsBalloon = True, TTS_BALLOON, 0&) TTS_TIPALWAYS = IIf(bTipAlways = True, TTS_ALWAYSTIP, 0&) hwndTip = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, _ TOOLTIPS_CLASSA, _ vbNullString, _ WS_POPUP Or TTS_TIPSTYLE Or TTS_TIPALWAYS, _ CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, _ CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, _ hwndForm, _ 0&, _ App.hInstance, _ ByVal 0&) SetWindowPos hwndTip, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE tooltip_create = hwndTip End Function Private Sub tooltip_deactivate(hwndTip As Long) SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, 0, ByVal 0& End Sub Private Function tooltip_destroy(hwndTip As Long) As Long If hwndTip <> 0 Then Call DestroyWindow(hwndTip) hwndTip = 0 End If End Function Private Sub tooltip_setmaxwidth(hwndTip As Long, dwNewWidth As Long) 'Note: The maximum ToolTip width value does not 'indicate a ToolTip window's actual width. Rather, 'if a ToolTip string exceeds the maximum width, 'the control breaks the text into multiple lines, 'using spaces to determine line breaks. If the text 'cannot be segmented into multiple lines, it will 'be displayed on a single line. The length of this 'line may exceed the maximum ToolTip width. ' 'New lines can also be inserted by including vbCrLf in any string 'When 0 is passed, take that as a sign to have 'the control reset to automatically determine 'the required width. Note: specifying 0 allows 'vbCrLf to introduce new lines in the tooltip 'text message. Specifying -1, resets the width 'as 0 does but causes the control to ignore new 'line chars in the string (they are displayed 'as blocks). To test this, pass -1 rather than '0 in Command5. SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, ByVal dwNewWidth End Sub Private Sub tooltip_setbackcolour(hwndTip As Long, dwColour As Long) SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR, dwColour, ByVal 0& End Sub Private Sub tooltip_settextcolour(hwndTip As Long, dwColour As Long) SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR, dwColour, ByVal 0& End Sub Private Sub tooltip_titleadd(hwndTip As Long, sTipTitle As String, dwIconId As Long) SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_SETTITLE, dwIconId, ByVal sTipTitle End Sub Private Sub tooltip_titledelete(hwndTip As Long) SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_SETTITLE, 0&, ByVal vbNullString End Sub Private Sub tooltip_updatetext(hwndTip As Long, hwndControl As Long, sNewText As String) Dim ti As TOOLINFO With ti .cbSize = Len(ti) .hwnd = hwndControl .uid = hwndControl .lpszText = sNewText & vbNullString SendMessage hwndTip, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0&, ti End With End Sub |
Comments |
Run the project, hit Create and mouse over the first text box. Stay
there and watch as the timer changes the text on the tooltip while it is
being displayed. The tips on Text2 and Text3 just show different static
messages. Play with the colour, caption and width buttons to see the
affect each has on the three different tips. Note that in the tooltip_addtool function the TOOLINFO structure requires that one of the uFlags members be TTF_SUBCLASS, even though the demo does not include subclassing code. The other flag - TTF_IDISHWND, simply tells the tip that the value passed as the uid member of the structure is the hwnd of the control receiving the tooltip (in this demo the hwnd's of the respective text boxes). If you want to have different tooltip style settings for different controls in the project, perhaps balloon/cartoon-style tips for important messages in key controls, and regular square coloured tips associated with other controls, modify the code to add additional calls to tooltip_create specifying the desired styles. This will necessitate your coding to save the hwnd returned for each call to tooltip_create into its own variable (rather than the global hwndTip as used in this demo) in order to apply features and bind the tips to the appropriate controls. The tooltip_destroy method would also require modification to destroy the appropriate tooltip on app shutdown or when the tip is no longer required. |
Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet and Randy Birch. All Rights Reserved. |
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