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Visual Basic Internet Routines ShellExecute: Send Large Emails in Outlook Express |
Posted: | Sunday March 10, 2002 |
Updated: | Monday December 26, 2011 |
Applies to: | VB4-32, VB5, VB6 |
Developed with: | VB6, Windows 2000 |
OS restrictions: | None |
Author: | VBnet - Randy Birch, msnews post |
Related: |
ShellExecute: Simulate a Hyperlink with a Label Control ShellExecute: ShellExecute Madness |
Prerequisites |
A valid email account set up in Outlook Express (see notes below). |
![]() However, if you're using Outlook Express, you have a file association to .eml files - the plain-text file format used by OE. By writing a file to disk with the .eml extension containing the expected email-specific fields, an email containing a message of any size can be created. Then, by passing ShellExecute the filename created, rather than the usual mailto: string, the Outlook Express opens a new message containing the complete email. ShellExecute creates and displays the email on the client system where the user has the ability to alter or add to any of the specified fields before sending the email. In other words, the sending of the email is not transparent and requires user interaction to actually perform the send. To create and send an email transparently, MAPI, the Winsock control, or raw SMTP code must be used. But for simple emails where the client is Outlook Express, nothing beats the ease in integrating this method into an app. This code writes a file in a format Outlook Express uses, and uses the message file association for Outlook Express (*.eml). Therefore, because this message format of other email clients may differ from the .eml format, this technique is really only applicable to Outlook Express. It definitely will not work with Microsoft Outlook, which uses a binary file with a *.msg extension. NOTE: In April 2006 Microsoft released a security patch for Outlook Express that had the unintentional side effect of eliminating OE's ability to open template .eml files (the files opened as a reply, not a message to send). The problem was identified as OE no longer recognizing the X-UNSENT: 1 flag in the header that this demo (and OE template .eml files) relied on. To mitigate this problem MS released a hotfix in May and the "Inside Outlook Express" site released a companion .REG file that also needs to be run in order to restore standard functionality. I have packaged both the REG file, the hotfix and instructions in the ZIP file downloadable from this link. |
BAS Module Code |
None. |
Form Code |
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To a form add a command button (Command1), and six text boxes (Text1 through Text6) (ignore the combo shown in the illustration; the demo uses a text box). In addition, add three Option buttons in a control array (Option1(0) - Option1(2)), along with the following code: |
Option Explicit '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved. ' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own ' applications, but you may not reproduce ' or publish this code on any web site, ' online service, or distribute as source ' on any media without express permission. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL As Long = 1 Private Const SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED As Long = 3 Private Const SW_SHOWDEFAULT As Long = 10 Private Type EmailInfo sAddrTo As String sAddrCC As String sAddrBCC As String sAddrFrom As String sSubject As String sMessage As String sPriority As Long End Type Private Sub Form_Load() Dim msg As String Command1.Caption = "Send Email" Option1(1).Value = True Text1.Text = "me@123.com" Text2.Text = "recipient@123.com" Text3.Text = "ccperson@123.com" Text4.Text = "bccperson@123.com" Text5.Text = "VBnet ShellExecute Test Message" 'a long message msg = msg & "Since beginning VBnet in November of 1996, " msg = msg & "I have been repeatedly asked why I don't (or won't) " msg = msg & "provide the code methodologies and projects " msg = msg & "presented here in a downloadable format like " msg = msg & "other sites do." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf msg = msg & "The decision to present the site as code (text) " msg = msg & "pages instead of zip files was not one that I " msg = msg & "made lightly. Frankly, just providing downloadable " msg = msg & "files is certainly easier than creating and " msg = msg & "maintaining individual pages for each code topic." msg = msg & "However, given my reasons below, I believe that " msg = msg & "the VBnet text presentation method benefits more " msg = msg & "than downloads could." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf msg = msg & "Providing the code as HTML pages is not without " msg = msg & "its frustrations. There's the issue of HTML and " msg = msg & "the 'not equal' signs; HTML interpreters ignore " msg = msg & "these VB operators because they expect to find " msg = msg & "HTML formatting commands inside. There's the issue " msg = msg & "of assuring hard returns are correctly interpreted, " msg = msg & "and that non-breaking spaces don't find their " msg = msg & "way into the code (which wrecks havoc in the IDE). " msg = msg & "Add to this assuring no code from the development " msg = msg & "project is inadvertently omitted, all the while " msg = msg & "keeping in mind potential compatibility problems " msg = msg & "between presentation in Internet Explorer and Netscape." msg = msg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf msg = msg & "Challenges aside, VBnet provides the opportunity to " msg = msg & "share what I have learned pouring through the MSDN " msg = msg & "and other API references, and have received from " msg = msg & "friends and contributors, as well as the bonus of " msg = msg & "allowing me to experiment with web site design. " Text6.Text = msg End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim email As EmailInfo Dim msg As String Dim sTmpFile As String Dim hFile As Long 'the temp email file sTmpFile = App.Path & "\temp.eml" 'complete the fields to be used With email .sAddrFrom = Text1.Text .sAddrTo = Text2.Text .sAddrCC = Text3.Text .sAddrBCC = Text4.Text .sSubject = Text5.Text .sMessage = Text6.Text .sPriority = (GetSelectedOptionIndex() * 2) + 1 End With 'create the temp file hFile = EmailCreate(sTmpFile) 'if successful, If hFile <> 0 Then 'write out the data and 'send the email If EmailWrite(hFile, email) Then RunShellExecute "Open", _ sTmpFile, _ vbNullString, _ vbNullString, _ vbNormalFocus End If End If End Sub Private Function GetSelectedOptionIndex() As Long 'returns the selected item index from 'an option button array. Use in place 'of multiple If...Then statements! 'If your array contains more elements, 'just append them to the test condition, 'setting the multiplier to the button's 'negative -index. GetSelectedOptionIndex = Option1(0).Value * 0 Or _ Option1(1).Value * -1 Or _ Option1(2).Value * -2 End Function Private Sub RunShellExecute(sAddrTopic As String, _ sFile As Variant, _ sParams As Variant, _ sDirectory As Variant, _ nShowCmd As Long) Dim hWndDesk As Long Dim success As Long 'the desktop will be the 'default for error messages hWndDesk = GetDesktopWindow() 'execute the passed operation success = ShellExecute(hWndDesk, _ sAddrTopic, _ sFile, _ sParams, _ sDirectory, _ nShowCmd) 'This is optional. Uncomment the three lines 'below to have the "Open With.." dialog appear 'when the ShellExecute API call fails 'If success < 32 Then ' Call Shell("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL " & sFile, vbNormalFocus) 'End If End Sub Private Function EmailCreate(sTmpFile) As Long Dim hFile As Long hFile = FreeFile Open sTmpFile For Output As #hFile EmailCreate = hFile End Function Private Function EmailWrite(ByVal hFile As Long, email As EmailInfo) As Boolean 'write the email fields to the file Print #hFile, "From: <"; email.sAddrFrom; ">" If Len(email.sAddrTo) Then Print #hFile, "To: "; Chr$(34); email.sAddrTo; Chr$(34) Else 'no to address, so bail EmailWrite = False Exit Function End If If Len(email.sAddrCC) Then Print #hFile, "CC: "; Chr$(34); email.sAddrCC; Chr$(34) End If If Len(email.sAddrBCC) Then Print #hFile, "BCC: "; Chr$(34); email.sAddrBCC; Chr$(34) End If Print #hFile, "Subject: "; email.sSubject Print #hFile, "X-Priority:"; email.sPriority '1=high,3=normal,5=low 'this is the last header line - everything 'after this appears in the message. Print #hFile, "X-Unsent: 1" Print #hFile, "" 'Blank line Print #hFile, email.sMessage Close #hFile EmailWrite = True End Function |
Comments |
Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet and Randy Birch. All Rights Reserved. |
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