Prerequisites |
comments following the code. |
NetShareAdd function shares a server or workstation resource. Only
members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group, or those
with Communication, Print, or Server operator group membership can
successfully execute the NetShareAdd function. The Print operator can add
only Printer queues. The Communication operator can add only
communication-device queues.
Although NetShareAdd can be called by all 32-bit Windows versions, the
code in the demo is only for NT / 2000 / XP. See the Comments below for
9x methodology.
In the NT code, the server name parameter is a pointer to a string specifying the name of
the remote server on which the function is to execute. The string must
begin with \\. If this parameter is null the local computer is used. On
NT / 2000 / XP the call can pass either a SHARE_INFO_2 or SHARE_INFO_502
structure. Win9x machines must pass a SHARE_INFO_50 type. In addition, on
9x the string specified in the shi50_path member can only be upper case.
This restriction does not apply to any string under NT+. |
Module Code |
None. |
Code |
To a form add a command button (Command1)
and five text boxes (Text1 - Text5). Labels are optional. Add the following to the form: |
Option Explicit
' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved.
' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author.
' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own
' applications, but you may not reproduce
' or publish this code on any web site,
' online service, or distribute as source
' on any media without express permission.
Private Const NERR_SUCCESS As Long = 0&
'share types
Private Const STYPE_ALL As Long = -1 'note: my const
Private Const STYPE_DISKTREE As Long = 0
Private Const STYPE_PRINTQ As Long = 1
Private Const STYPE_DEVICE As Long = 2
Private Const STYPE_IPC As Long = 3
Private Const STYPE_SPECIAL As Long = &H80000000
Private Const ACCESS_READ As Long = &H1
Private Const ACCESS_WRITE As Long = &H2
Private Const ACCESS_CREATE As Long = &H4
Private Const ACCESS_EXEC As Long = &H8
Private Const ACCESS_DELETE As Long = &H10
Private Const ACCESS_ATRIB As Long = &H20
Private Const ACCESS_PERM As Long = &H40
Private Const ACCESS_ALL As Long = ACCESS_READ Or _
Private Type SHARE_INFO_2
shi2_netname As Long
shi2_type As Long
shi2_remark As Long
shi2_permissions As Long
shi2_max_uses As Long
shi2_current_uses As Long
shi2_path As Long
shi2_passwd As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function NetShareAdd Lib "netapi32" _
(ByVal servername As Long, _
ByVal level As Long, _
buf As Any, _
parmerr As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = "\\" & Environ$("COMPUTERNAME")
Text2.Text = "c:\program files\adobe"
Text3.Text = "vbnetdemo"
Text4.Text = "VBnet demo test share"
Text5.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim success As Long
success = ShareAdd(Text1.Text, _
Text2.Text, _
Text3.Text, _
Text4.Text, _
Select Case success
Case 0: MsgBox "share created successfully!"
Case 2118: MsgBox "share name already exists"
Case Else: MsgBox "create error " & success
End Select
End Sub
Private Function ShareAdd(sServer As String, _
sSharePath As String, _
sShareName As String, _
sShareRemark As String, _
sSharePw As String) As Long
Dim dwServer As Long
Dim dwNetname As Long
Dim dwPath As Long
Dim dwRemark As Long
Dim dwPw As Long
Dim parmerr As Long
Dim si2 As SHARE_INFO_2
'obtain pointers to the server, share and path
dwServer = StrPtr(sServer)
dwNetname = StrPtr(sShareName)
dwPath = StrPtr(sSharePath)
'if the remark or password specified,
'obtain pointer to those as well
If Len(sShareRemark) > 0 Then
dwRemark = StrPtr(sShareRemark)
End If
If Len(sSharePw) > 0 Then
dwPw = StrPtr(sSharePw)
End If
'prepare the SHARE_INFO_2 structure
With si2
.shi2_netname = dwNetname
.shi2_path = dwPath
.shi2_remark = dwRemark
.shi2_type = STYPE_DISKTREE
.shi2_permissions = ACCESS_ALL
.shi2_max_uses = -1
.shi2_passwd = dwPw
End With
'add the share
ShareAdd = NetShareAdd(dwServer, _
2, _
si2, _
End Function |
Comments |
NetShareAdd for Win9x uses the share_info_50 structure shown below. Following the structure definition is the MSDN demo C code from showing how this API is used on 9x machines. Since I do not have a 9x box, I am unable to translate and test the code, but the NT code above should provide sufficient example to get going.
C Declare for share_info_50
struct _share_info_50 {
char shi50_netname[LM20_NNLEN+1];
unsigned char shi50_type;
unsigned short shi50_flags;
char FAR * shi50_remark;
char FAR * shi50_path;
char shi50_rw_password[SHPWLEN+1];
char shi50_ro_password[SHPWLEN+1];
VB Declare for share_info_50. Note that strings above
are declared As Long, indicating a pointer to the
string needs to be passed.
'for use on Win9x only
Private Type SHARE_INFO_50
shi50_netname As Long
shi50_type As Long
shi50_flags As Long
shi50_remark As Long
shi50_path As Long
shi50_rw_password As Long
shi50_ro_password As Long
End Type
Alternatively, you could try using a byte array for
the char array members:
Private Type SHARE_INFO_50
shi50_netname (0 to LM20_NNLEN) As Byte
shi50_type As Long
shi50_flags As Long
shi50_remark As Long
shi50_path As Long
shi50_rw_password (0 to SHPWLEN) As Byte
shi50_ro_password (0 to SHPWLEN) As Byte
pad1 As Long
End Type
Note that in 9x/ME, NetShareAdd is
declared in the library Svrapi, rather
than NT's Netapi32.
Sample C code for Win9x
int main(int argc, char FAR * argv[])
char FAR * pszServerName = NULL;
short nLevel = 50;
struct share_info_50* pBuf = NULL;
unsigned short cbBuffer;
// ServerName can be NULL to indicate the local computer.
if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4))
printf("Usage: %s [\\\\ServerName] ShareName SharePath\n", argv[0]);
if (argc == 4)
pszServerName = argv[1];
// Allocate the memory required to specify a
// share_info_50 structure.
cbBuffer = sizeof(struct share_info_50);
pBuf = malloc(cbBuffer);
if (pBuf == NULL)
printf("No memory\n");
// Assign values to the share_info_50 structure.
strcpy(pBuf->shi50_netname, argv[argc-2]);
pBuf->shi50_type = STYPE_DISKTREE;
pBuf->shi50_flags = SHI50F_FULL;
pBuf->shi50_remark = NULL;
pBuf->shi50_path = argv[argc-1];
pBuf->shi50_rw_password[0] = '\0'; // No password
pBuf->shi50_ro_password[0] = '\0'; // No password
// Call the NetShareAdd function
// specifying information level 50.
nStatus = NetShareAdd(pszServerName,
(char FAR *)pBuf,
// Display the result of the function call.
if (nStatus == NERR_Success)
printf("Share added successfully\n");
fprintf(stderr, "A system error has occurred: %d\n", nStatus);
// Free the allocated memory.
if (pBuf != NULL)
return 0;
} |