Pure VB: Vertical Splitter Bar
How to add a vertical splitter bar to resize 2 controls, like in Windows Explorer window. No APIs needed!
DrawText: Adding Title
Text to the Fake TitleBar (for DrawFocusRect: Simulating Non-Client Form Movement
Using the application developed in DrawFocusRect: Simulating Non-Client Form Movement, this page adds a title to the fake title bar using the DrawText API.
Pure VB: Customizable PhotoShop-Style
Create a fully-configurable flood panel.
Pure VB: Customizable
PhotoShop-Style ProgressBar in a MDI App
Use the flood panel from Creating a Custom PhotoShop-Style Flood Panel to create a status flood on an MDI parent
window flood, exposed through common routines.
SendMessage: Creating a Scrollable Viewport to Simulate a Scrollable Form
Based on the MSKB article, how to create a scrollable viewport to
simulate scrolling forms.
July 18.2004
Pure VB: Easily Add a Raised or Etched 3D Line Beneath a Menu
A two-liner to add a 3D line beneath a menu (or anywhere on the
form). Mar 4.2003
InflateRect: Highlighting External Windows
How to use DrawFocusRect and InflateRect to highlight main and
child windows anywhere on the screen, and capture the window to a
picture box (print screen). Oct 25.2004
GetSystemMetrics: How to Create a Popup Colour Selector
Code to create a small popup colour selector you can assign to any toolbar button, or modify to become a floating selector. No APIs
ClipCursor: Restrict the Mouse to a Form's Client Area
How to prevent the cursor from moving outside the form's client area. Feb 12.2000
Manifests: Make the VB IDE use Windows XP Styles
How to add a manifest to cause the IDE to utilize XP-style controls Mar 4.2003
Manifests: Make the VB IDE use Windows Vista Styles
How to add a manifest to cause the IDE to utilize XP-style controls
Sept 7.2008
DrawFocusRect: Simulating Non-Client Form Movement
API code to create a drag rectangle to move a form with no title bar. Useful for Toolbar windows, or dragging by simply clicking the form
GetSystemMetrics: Resizing a Form to Fit an Image 
How to cause a form to resize to the size of a loaded image.
Updated Nov 17.2008
SendMessage: Move Controls to Simulate Form Scrolling
Simple code to move controls on a form in response to a scroll bar
movement to simulate the appearance of a scrollable form.
July 16.2004
ReleaseCapture: Simulating a Working Size-Grip on a VB Form
A label is all that's required!
Jan 21.2003
Pure VB: Simulating Owned Windows for MDI Children
Handy routine for providing each MDI Child window with the ability
to show its own copy of a non-modal non-MDI form.
Oct 2.2001