Network API
Monday December 26, 2011
WriteFile: Broadcasting System Messages using Mailslots
Send system alerts to other 9x, ME or NT/2000/XP machines via "mailslots" Oct 10.2002NetMessageBufferSend: Broadcasting System Messages
Send alerts to other NT servers or workstations, or to Win9x systems running WinPopup Jan 25.2000
SHBrowseForFolder: Browse to Obtain Network Machines or Shares
How to return a share or remote computer using the familiar Browse dialog.
Nov 30.1999
Computer Users and
vb4-32 |
InitializeSecurityContext: Authenticate User via the NT Challenge Process
How to perform an NT Challenge from VB. Mar 16.2002NetUserGetInfo: Enumerate the User List and Obtain User Info
Code to load a list box with the users for a given PDC/BDC (or local NT machine), along with their USER_INFO_10 data. Oct 30.2000
LookupAccountSid: Determine if the Current Process is Running Under Admin Account
Code to determine if the current user is an Admin. Apr 16.2002
NetUserSetInfo: Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_1008)
Small routine using USER_INFO_1008 to disable a specified user's account. Dec 19.2004
NetUserSetInfo: Enable/Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_3)
Slightly more involved, this uses a USER_INFO_3 structure to retrieve user info to allow enabling or disabling of
the user account. Dec 19.2004
NetUserGetInfo: Network User Full Name and Comments
Retrieving the USER_INFO_10 data about a network user, including the user's full
name. May 05.2000
OpenUserBrowser: Add Selection of Users and Groups
Showing and retrieving user and / or group selection via the undocumented OpenUserBrowser API. Apr 15.2002
NetMessageBufferSend: Broadcasting System Messages
Send alerts to other NT servers or workstations, or to Win9x systems running WinPopup Jan 25.2000
NetLocalGroupEnum: Enumerate Local Groups
Retrieve the local groups on your NT/2000 workstation or server Apr 19.2001
NetLocalGroupEnum: Enumerate Local Groups and Descriptions
Retrieve the local groups and their descriptions on your NT/2000 workstation or
server. Apr 19.2001
NetLocalGroupGetMembers: Enumerate Local Groups and Members
Pass a machine and group name, retrieve the members of that group. Feb 26.2002
LookupAccountName: Verify a User's Account
How to verify that a specific user is authenticated by the domain controller of local system. Jan 21.2002
vb4-32 |
IsNetDrive: Determining the Connection State of a Mapped Drive
API returning the connection state of mapped drives.
Dec 9.2005
InternetGetConnectedState: Determine Network Connection Type
Six wrapper routines returning system network connection information.
June 10.1999
IsNetworkAlive: Determine Network Connection State
Five wrapper routines to determine whether a given network connection is currently
alive. April 20.2001
IsDestinationReachable: Determine Network QOC Info
Determine if the destination can be reached, and retrieve Quality of Connection information for the destination. March 13.2001
NetGetJoinInformation: Join Information for a Local or Remote Machine
How to determine information concerning the workgroup or domain join status of a given machine. Jul 06.2002
NetFileEnum: Get Open File Info from a Specified Machine
Use NetFileEnum to return a listing of open files and owners on remote machines. Apr 5.2003
WNetGetUser: User, Share and Share User for Network Resources
How to determine information concerning the workgroup or domain join status of a given
machine. Jan 15.2002
WNetGetConnection: Get UNC Path for Mapped Drive
Code to resolve a local or remote UNC path from a mapped drive letter. Jul 6.2002
Invoking the Map/Disconnect Drive Dialog
Code to resolve a local or remote UNC path from a mapped drive letter. Jan
vb4-32 |
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
How to retrieve time zone names from the registry, and locate a zone based on the time zone bias. Jul 08.2002
NetRemoteTOD: Get Time of Day Info for Local or Remote Machines
Examining return values from the NetRemoteTOD API. Oct 22.2001
SetSystemTime: SNTP Time Server Synchronization using Winsock
Using the Winsock control to connect to Internet Time Servers for system date/time synchronization. Feb 3.2002
SetSystemTime: Date and Time Synchronization to a Remote Server
Use NetRemoteTOD to synchronize a local machine to a domain server. Oct 22.2001
vb4-32 |
NetServerEnum: Obtain Domain/Workgroup Servers and Machines
Calling NetServerEnum to retrieve the domain machine list. May 22.2001NetServerEnum: Get Version Info for Domain/Workgroup Servers and Machines
Calling NetServerEnum with the SERVER_INFO_101 structure to retrieve domain machine and their OS version. May 22.2001
GetNetworkParams: Obtain Domain Registering the Local Machine
Function that returns the domain in which the local computer is registered. May 22.2001
GetNetworkParams: Host Name of the Local Machine
Function that returns the host name of the local computer. May 22.2001
NetGetJoinInformation: Join Information for a Local or Remote Machine
How to determine information concerning the workgroup or domain join status of a given machine. Jul 06.2002
vb4-32 |
GetAdaptersInfo: Determine if DHCP is Enabled
Function to return True if DHCP is enabled on the system. Apr 25.2001GetAdaptersInfo: Get the DHCP Server IP
Function returning the IP Address of the connected DHCP server. Apr 25.2001
GetAdaptersInfo: Get the IPs for all DHCP Servers
For multiple NICs or multiple DHCP servers, a function to return all IP addresses for all connected DHCP servers. Apr 25.2001
IPRenewAddress: Release and Renew a DHCP IP Address
How to reset DHCP IP addresses using IPReleaseAddress and IPRenewAddress May 27.2001
URLDownloadToFile: Obtain Machine's Public IP Behind Router
Download and parse a shtml file returning the public IP address of the machine. Jan 5.2005
vb4-32 |
GetNetworkParams: Determine Current and Available DNS Servers
Use GetNetworkParams to return the current and available DNS servers. Mar 5.2002
vb4-32 |
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner: Local or
Remote File or Folder Owner
GetFileSecurity, LookupAccountSid and GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
return the owner of a file or a folder on a local or remote machine.
Jan 17.2006
NetFileEnum: Get Open File Info from a Specified Machine
Use NetFileEnum to return a listing of open files and owners on remote machines. Apr 5.2003
vb4-32 |
FtpFindFirstFile: Connect and Retrieve FTP File Listings
Using the FTP APIs to connect to a site and retrieve its file listing.
Dec 17.1999
DoFileDownload: Download Files Using IE's Download Dialog
Use the Internet Explorer 'File Download' dialog in your application. Jan 8.2000
FtpGetFile: Download Files via FTP
Adding to the FTP demo adding file download ability.
Dec 17.1999
FtpFindFirstFile: Download Files via FTP with a Download Progress Callback
How to use callbacks to present a progress bar and file size transferred from a FTP download session. Oct 27.2001
IP Address
vb4-32 |
gethostbyname: Determine Network Host Name and IP Address
Use these simple routines to obtain the user's machine name and their IP address
Aug 27.1998
gethostbyname: Resolve Host Name to IP Address
Pass a domain name and return the IP address Mar 23.2000
gethostbyaddr: Obtain Host Name from IP Address
Pass an IP address to this routine, and retrieve the host name. May 03.2000
GetAdaptersInfo: Get the DHCP Server IP
Function returning the IP Address of the connected DHCP server. Apr 25.2001
GetAdaptersInfo: Get the IPs for all DHCP Servers
For multiple NICs or multiple DHCP servers, a function to return all IP addresses for all connected DHCP servers. Apr 25.2001
GetAdaptersInfo: Get the Network Adapter IP Address
Function returning the IP Address of the local adapter. NetBIOS is not required. Apr25.2001
GetAdaptersInfo: Get IP Addresses for All Installed Network Adapters
For multiple NICs, a function to return all local IP addresses for all active adapters. NetBIOS is not required. Apr 25.2001
URLDownloadToFile: Obtain Machine's Public IP Behind Router
Download and parse a shtml file
returning the public IP address of the machine.
Jan 5.2005
IP Statistics
vb4-32 |
GetTcpStatistics: Obtaining a System's TCP Statistics
Method to retrieve TCP statistics for the local machine, including connections, opens, data received and sent. Feb.11.2001
GetIfTable: Local Machine Network Interface Table
Method to retrieve the MIB-II (Management Information Base) interface table information for the system. Feb.11.2001
GetIpAddrTable: IP Address Table of the Local Machine
Method to retrieve the interface–to–IP address mapping table, including subnet mask. Feb.11.2001
GetTcpTable: Local Machine TCP Connection Table
Method to retrieve the TCP connection table, including local and remote IP addresses and ports in use. Feb.11.2001
MAC Address / Network Card
vb4-32 |
Netbios: Determine Local Adapter MAC Address
Obtain the Medium Access Control (MAC) address for the installed network card. Aug 27.1998
SendARP: Determine Local or Remote Adapter MAC Addresses
How to obtain the MAC address from a local or remote computer's network card. Aug 20.2002
Netbios: Determine Local Adapter MAC Addresses through LANA Enumeration
Get all MAC address for all installed (enabled w/NetBIOS) network cards. Apr 18.2004
WriteFile: Broadcasting System Messages using Mailslots
Send system alerts to other 9x, ME or NT/2000/XP machines
from any machine via "mailslots"
Oct 10.2002
NetMessageBufferSend: Broadcasting System Messages
Send alerts to other NT servers or workstations, or to Win9x systems running WinPopup
Jan 25.2000 |
vb5 |
NetUserGetInfo: Get User Password Age
Pass a user name and get the age of that user's password.
Dec 19.2004
NetServerEnum: Get Password Age All Users on the Specified Machine
Enumerate machines on the network and retrieve all users and password ages for each
Dec 19.2004 |
vb4-32 |
ConnectToPrinterDlg: Install Network Printers
Browse and connect to printers on a network.
Jan 4.2006
SetPrinter: Rename Local and Remote Printers
Using PRINTER_LEVEL4 (or PRINTER_LEVEL2) to rename either local or remote printers. Aug 6.2005
SetPrinter: Rename Local and Remote Printers
An alternate method to the above, this uses a different declaration
of the PRINTER_LEVEL4 structure to rename either local or remote printers.
Although not shown the change should echo to a PRINTER_INFO_2
structure without too much difficulty.
Jan 13.2006 |
Ping / TraceRT
vb4-32 |
IcmpSendEcho: Ping a Machine by IP Address
Ping any IP address from your VB app with this!
Aug 27.1998IcmpSendEcho: Ping a Machine by Host Name
Similar to the IP ping, this takes a domain name, resolves it, then pings. Mar 23.2000
IcmpSendEcho: Perform a Tracert (Trace Route) in VB
Code to perform a tracert (trace route) in VB. Oct
IcmpSendEcho: Perform a Tracert (Trace Route) in VB with Host Name Resolution
Based on the same code as above, adds a function to resolve the host name for the IP traced. Oct 30.2000 |
vb4-32 |
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
How to retrieve time zone names from the registry, and
locate a zone based on the time zone bias.
Jul 8.2002
NetRemoteTOD: Get Time of Day Info for Local or Remote Machines
Examining return values from the NetRemoteTOD API.
Oct 22.2001
SetSystemTime: SNTP Time Server Synchronization using Winsock
Using the Winsock control to connect to Internet Time
Servers for system date/time synchronization.
Feb 3.2002
SetSystemTime: Date and Time Synchronization to a Remote Server
Use NetRemoteTOD to synchronize a local machine to a domain
server. Oct 22.2001 |
Servers / Workstations
vb4-32 |
EnumServicesStatus: Enumerate Local or Remote Machine Services and Status
Adding NetServerEnum code, this allows viewing of services running on any NT system in the domain. May 22.2001
GetNetworkParams: Obtain Domain Registering the Local Machine
Function that returns the domain in which the local computer is registered. May 22.2001
GetNetworkParams: Host Name of the Local Machine
Function that returns the host name of the local computer. May 22.2001
InitiateSystemShutdown: Terminating Remote Windows Sessions
How to call shut down remote computers (and cancel the shutdown if
needed). Dec 8.2004
NetFileEnum: Get Open File Info from a Specified Machine
Use NetFileEnum to return a listing of open files and
owners on remote machines. Apr 5.2003
NetRemoteTOD: Get Time of Day Info for Local or Remote Machines
Examining return values from the NetRemoteTOD API.
Oct 22.200
NetSessionEnum: Enumerate Sessions on a Server
Use NetSessionEnum to provide information about sessions established on a server.
Jun 18.2001
NetServerEnum: Obtain Domain/Workgroup Servers and Machines
Calling NetServerEnum to retrieve the domain machine list. May 22.2001
NetServerEnum: Get Version Info for Domain/Workgroup Servers and Machines
Calling NetServerEnum with the SERVER_INFO_101 structure to retrieve domain machine and their OS version. May 22.2001
NetServerGetInfo: Configuration
Info for Domain/Workgroup Servers and Machines
NetServerEnum and NetServerGetInfo combined to provide
version and other info for local and remote machines running the
specified type of OS software. March 10.2006
NetGetJoinInformation: Join Information for a Local or Remote Machine
How to determine information concerning the
workgroup or domain join status of a given machine.
Jul 6.2002
NetWkstaGetInfo: Workstation Configuration Information
Pass a server or workstation, and retrieve configuration info for the machine. Jun 26.2001
NetWkstaUserEnum: Workstation Logon Information
Pass a server or workstation, and retrieve user logon info.
Jun 26.2001
NetWkstaGetInfo: Workstation Configuration and Current User
Pass a server or workstation, and retrieve info about the machine and the logged-on user name.
Jun 26.2001
NetWkstaGetInfo: Workstation Configuration and Logon Information
Pass a server or workstation, and retrieve machine and logon information.
Jun 26.2001
SetSystemTime: Date and Time Synchronization to a Remote Server
Use NetRemoteTOD to synchronize a local machine to a domain server.
Oct 22.2001
WNetEnumResource: Enumerating Local Network Resources
Obtain mapped drives on the local machine, and resolve local drive letters into the corresponding UNC path.
Jun 26.2001
vb4-32 |
InitializeSecurityContext: Authenticate User via the NT Challenge Process
How to perform an NT Challenge from VB. Mar 16.2002LookupAccountSid: Determine if the Current Process is Running Under Admin Account
Code to determine if the owner of the current process is running
under the Admin account. Apr 16.2002
IsUserAnAdmin: Determine if the Current User is an Administrator
Code to determine if the current user is an Administrator. Apr
LookupAccountName: Verify a User's Account
How to verify that a specific user is authenticated by the domain controller of local system.
Jan 21.2002
NetUserSetInfo: Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_1008)
Small routine using USER_INFO_1008 to disable the specified user account. Dec 19.2004
NetUserSetInfo: Enable/Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_3)
Slightly more involved, this uses a USER_INFO_3 structure to retrieve user info to allow enabling or disabling of
a user account. Dec 19.2004
vb4-32 |
EnumServicesStatus: Enumerate Local Machine Services
Basic code to call EnumServicesStatus to obtain the service list for the local machine.
May 22.2001
EnumServicesStatus: Enumerate Local Machine Services and Status
Expanding on the above to add additional info returned from the EnumServicesStatus call.
May 22.2001
EnumServicesStatus: Enumerate Local or Remote Machine Services and Status
Adding the NetServerEnum code, this allows viewing of services running on any NT system in the domain.
May 22.2001
vb4-32 |
NetShareCheck: Determine Remote Folder or Device Share Status
Simple API call to test if a specific device
is being shared on a local or remote machine.
Aug 4.2004
WNetEnumResource: Enumerating Local Network Resources
Obtain mapped drives on the local machine, and resolve local drive letters into the corresponding UNC path.
Jun 26.2001
NetConnectionEnum: Enumerating Share Connection Information
Using the NetConnectionEnum API to list connections made to a shared resource on the server or connections established from a particular computer.
Jun 18.2001
NetShareEnum: Enumerating Shared Resources on Other Machines
Find remote machine shares, connection type, comments and resolved path using NetShareEnum. Jun 18.2001
WNetAddConnection2: Transparently Connect to Network Shares
Several routines to connect and disconnect drives and printers.
Sep 1.1998
NetShareAdd: Create a Local or Remote Share
Several routines to connect and disconnect drives and printers.
Jan 21.2002
WNetGetConnection: Get UNC Path for Mapped Drive
Code to resolve a local or remote UNC path from a mapped
drive letter.
Jul 6.2002
vb4-32 |
WSAEnumProtocols: Enumerating Installed Windows Socket Protocols

Simple API call to discover transport protocols installed on the local computer.
Jan 2.2009
WSAEnumProtocols: Additional Data from Enumerated Windows Socket Protocols

More information about the collection of transport protocols and protocol chains installed on the local computer.
Jan 2.2009
User Accounts
vb4-32 |
InitializeSecurityContext: Authenticate User via the NT Challenge Process
How to perform an NT Challenge from VB. Mar 16.2002LookupAccountSid: Determine if the Current Process is Running Under Admin Account
Code to determine if the current user is an Admin. Apr 16.2002
NetUserSetInfo: Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_1008)
Small routine using USER_INFO_1008 to disable the specified user
account. Dec 19.2004
NetUserSetInfo: Enable/Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_3)
Slightly more involved, this uses a USER_INFO_3 structure to retrieve user info to allow enabling or disabling of
a user account. Dec 19.2004
NetUserGetInfo: Get User Password Age
Pass a user name and get the age of that user's password.
Dec 19.2004
NetServerEnum: Get Password Age All Users on the Specified Machine
Enumerate machines on the network and retrieve all users and password ages for each
Dec 19.2004
OpenUserBrowser: Add Selection of Users and Groups
Showing and retrieving user and / or group selection via
the undocumented OpenUserBrowser API. Apr
LookupAccountName: Verify a User's Account
How to verify that a specific user is authenticated by the
domain controller of local system.
Jan 21.2002 |
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
vb5 |
Win32_NetworkAdapter: WMI Network Adapter Info
The Win32_NetworkAdapter WMI class enumerates and returns
network adapters on a Windows system.
Mar 4.2002
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration: WMI Network Adapter Configuration
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration returns attributes and
behaviours of a network adapter. This class has been extended to
include extra properties and methods that support the management
of the TCP/IP and Internetworking Packet Exchange (IPX)
protocols. Mar 4.2002
Win32_Processor: WMI Processor Information
The Win32_Processor WMI class returns processor status and
information for both single and multiprocessor machines.
Mar 4.2002 |