Visual Basic Network Services
NetUserSetInfo: Enable/Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_3)
Posted:   Sunday December 19, 2004
Updated:   Monday December 26, 2011
Applies to:   VB4-32, VB5, VB6
Developed with:   VB6, Windows NT4
OS restrictions:   Windows NT4 / Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003
Author:   VBnet - Randy Birch


NetUserGetInfo: Enumerate the User List and Obtain User Info
NetUserSetInfo: Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_1008)
NetUserSetInfo: Enable/Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_3)
One of the operating systems listed above.

Compared to NetUserSetInfo: Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_1008), this is a more in-depth demo showing not only how to disable the user's account, but also how to enable it and how to determine the disabled status of the account.

The demo starts by retrieving a user's info via NetUserGetInfo into a USER_INFO_3 structure, where we can toggle the bit allowing to enable or disable the user's account. NetUserSetInfo is then called to write out the revised USER_INFO_3 structure.

The demo provides the means to disable or enable the specified account, and returns a number of different error status codes representing the success of the call or the point of failure.

The code below takes care of creating the form shown. Note that the MSDN has some apparently contradictory information regarding the USER_INFO_3 structure: on one hand it states that USER_INFO_4 is the preferred structure to use, while on the other hand it states that USER_INFO_4 is not supported under Windows 2000/NT. Both are identical in the definition of their members, both in name and data type, as well as having the structure members in the same order. This means that to use the USER_INFO_4 structure rather than 3, only the specification of the user level is different in the NetUserGetInfo and NetUserSetInfo calls. Because this was developed on NT-based XP I elected to use the level 3 designation for this demo - feel free to use 4 if you understand the requirements.

Note that only members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group can successfully execute the NetUserSetInfo function on a remote server or on a computer that has local security enabled.

 BAS Module Code

 Form Code
You can clone the form used in the NetUserSetInfo: Disable User Accounts (USER_INFO_1008) demo, or start a new project and add a command button (Command1), one text boxes (Text1), a check box (Check1) and two labels (Label1, Label2), along with the following code:

Option Explicit
' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved.
' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author.
' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own
'               applications, but you may not reproduce 
'               or publish this code on any web site,
'               online service, or distribute as source 
'               on any media without express permission.
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Private Const UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE As Long = &H2

'our defined constants for errors
'we might encounter
Private Const ERR_ACCOUNT_CHANGED As Long = &H0
Private Const ERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND As Long = -&H40
Private Const ERR_UPDATE_NOT_SUCCESSFUL As Long = -&H80

Private Type USER_INFO_3
   usri3_name              As Long
   usri3_password          As Long
   usri3_password_age      As Long
   usri3_priv              As Long
   usri3_home_dir          As Long
   usri3_comment           As Long
   usri3_flags             As Long
   usri3_script_path       As Long
   usri3_auth_flags        As Long
   usri3_full_name         As Long
   usri3_usr_comment       As Long
   usri3_parms             As Long
   usri3_workstations      As Long
   usri3_last_logon        As Long
   usri3_last_logoff       As Long
   usri3_acct_expires      As Long
   usri3_max_storage       As Long
   usri3_units_per_week    As Long
   usri3_logon_hours       As Long
   usri3_bad_pw_count      As Long
   usri3_num_logons        As Long
   usri3_logon_server      As Long
   usri3_country_code      As Long
   usri3_code_page         As Long
   usri3_user_id           As Long
   usri3_primary_group_id  As Long
   usri3_profile           As Long
   usri3_home_dir_drive    As Long
   usri3_password_expired  As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function NetUserGetInfo Lib "Netapi32" _
  (servername As Byte, _
   username As Byte, _
   ByVal level As Long, _
   bufptr As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function NetUserSetInfo Lib "Netapi32" _
  (servername As Byte, _
   username As Byte, _
   ByVal level As Long, _
   bufptr As Long, _
   parm_err As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
   Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
  (pTo As Any, _
   uFrom As Any, _
   ByVal lSize As Long)

Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "Netapi32" _
  (ByVal Buffer As Long) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()

   With Label1
      .Caption = "Account:"
      .AutoSize = True
      .Move 200, 400
   End With
   With Text1
      .Text = "(enter a user name)"
      .Move 1000, 360, 1600, 285
   End With
   With Label2
      .Caption = "(result)"
      .AutoSize = True
      .WordWrap = True
      .Move 2800, 400, 2200
   End With
   With Check1
      .Caption = "Disable this account"
      .Move 1000, 800, 2600, 345
   End With

   With Command1
      .Caption = "Change Account"
      .Move 1000, 1200, 1600, 345
   End With

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
   Dim bLockout As Boolean
   Dim sUser As String
   Dim buff As String
   Dim success As Long
   bLockout = Check1.Value = vbChecked
   sUser = Text1.Text
   success = DisableAccount(bLockout, sUser, "")
  'results (using our defined error codes)
   Select Case success
         buff = "NetUserSetInfo completed successfully"
         buff = "The specified account is already disabled"
         buff = "The specified account is already enabled"
         buff = "The specified account or server was not found"
         buff = "The call to NetUserSetInfo failed"
      Case Else
         buff = "Unknown error"
   End Select
   Label2.Caption = buff
End Sub

Private Function DisableAccount(bDisableAccount As Boolean, _
                                sUsername As String, _
                                Optional sServer As String = vbNullString) As Long

   Dim parm_err As Long
   Dim success As Long
   Dim buff As Long
   Dim bServer() As Byte
   Dim bUser() As Byte
   Dim ui3 As USER_INFO_3
   bUser = sUsername & vbNullChar
   bServer = QualifyServer(sServer) & vbNullChar
  'retrieve the user info into a buffer
   success = NetUserGetInfo(bServer(0), bUser(0), 3, buff)

   If success = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
     'copy it to a USER_INFO_3 structure
      CopyMemory ui3, ByVal buff, Len(ui3)

     'if the flag is disable
      If bDisableAccount = True Then
        'and the account already isn't
         If (ui3.usri3_flags And UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) <> UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE Then
           'toggle the flag
            ui3.usri3_flags = ui3.usri3_flags Or UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE
           'it's already disabled
            DisableAccount = ERR_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_DISABLED
            Call NetApiBufferFree(buff)
            Exit Function
         End If  'ui3.usri3_flags)
        'the account should be enabled, 
        'so if it is currently disabled
         If (ui3.usri3_flags And UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) = UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE Then
           'toggle the flag
            ui3.usri3_flags = ui3.usri3_flags Xor UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE
           'it's already enabled
            DisableAccount = ERR_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ENABLED
            Call NetApiBufferFree(buff)
            Exit Function
         End If  'ui3.usri3_flags
      End If  'bDisableAccount
     'copy the structure back to the buffer,
     'call NetUserSetInfo and clean up
      CopyMemory ByVal buff, ui3, ByVal Len(ui3)
      success = NetUserSetInfo(bServer(0), _
                               bUser(0), _
                               3, _
                               ByVal buff, _
      NetApiBufferFree buff

      If success = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
         DisableAccount = ERR_ACCOUNT_CHANGED
        'something prevented the change
         DisableAccount = ERR_UPDATE_NOT_SUCCESSFUL
      End If

     'the call to obtain the userinfo failed,
     'probably because the account or server
     'passed was incorrect
      DisableAccount = ERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND
   End If  'success = 0
End Function

Private Function QualifyServer(ByVal sServer As String) As String

  'if nullstring was passed, the
  'API does not expect slashes in
  'the server name
   If Len(sServer) > 0 Then
     'are already two slashes
     'preceeding the server name?
      If Left$(sServer, 2) = "\\" Then
        'there are, so the server is already
        'qualified; return the passed string
         QualifyServer = sServer
        'there aren't two, but is there one?
         If Left$(sServer, 1) = "\" Then
           'yes, so add one more
            QualifyServer = "\" & sServer
           'the string needs both
            QualifyServer = "\\" & sServer
         End If  'Left$(sServer, 1) <> "\"
      End If  'Left$(sServer, 2) = "\\"
     'empty string passed, so return it
      QualifyServer = sServer
   End If  'Len(sServer)
End Function


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