Visual Basic Browse/ PIDL / CSIDL Routines
SHGetFolderPath: Retrieve Windows Shell Folders (Best Practice)
Posted:   Saturday May 22, 1999
Updated:   Monday December 26, 2011
Applies to:   VB4-32, VB5, VB6
Developed with:   VB6, Windows NT4
OS restrictions:   None
Author:   VBnet - Randy Birch
Related:   BROWSE:
SHBrowseForFolder: Browse Folders Dialog Overview
SHBrowseForFolder: Browse for Folders Dialog
SHBrowseForFolder: Browse for Folders Callback Overview
SHBrowseForFolder: Browse for Folders New UI Features
SHBrowseForFolder: Pre-selecting Folders using a Browse Callback

CSIDL / Folders:
SHGetFolderPath: Overview of Shell and ComCtrl Versions, CSIDL Values
SHGetFolderPath: Retrieve Windows Shell Folders (Best Practice)

SHGetSpecialFolderLocation: Retrieve Windows Shell Folder
SHGetKnownFolderPath: Retrieve Windows Known (Shell) Folders under Vista
Pure VB: Using the Shell Application Object to Retrieve Windows Shell Folders

Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT4 and Win9x with appropriate DLL upgrades provided as part of service packs or IE releases.

This page may appear wider than normal on low-resolution systems to accommodate the CSIDL descriptions. It will appear fine pasted into a VB project.

SHGetFolderPath is a superset of SHGetSpecialFolderPath included with earlier versions of the Windows shell. SHGetFolderPath is implemented in a redistributable DLL, SHFolder.dll, that also simulates many of the new shell folders on older platforms such as Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0. In degrading, this DLL always calls the current platform's version of this function to assure success, and if that fails, it will try to simulate the appropriate behaviour.

Microsoft recommends the use of SHGetFolderPath as a Best Practice (over other similar available APIs and manual methods (such and the environment variables) for the following reasons:

  • SHGetFolderPath promotes storage to administrator-chosen locations
  • SHGetFolderPath reduces user frustration by finding and saving their files without the need to request that the user locate a system folder
  • SHGetFolderPath reduces application errors associated with reading and writing files to system areas
  • SHGetFolderPath allows applications to run properly in secure environments

When you code to save to a user's documents folder, can you be sure that the folder's path is "c:\My Documents"?

Popular shell folders such as "My Documents" are virtual folders that may or may not point to a storage location with the same name. Not only can users easily change the name of the My Documents folder, but through the registry, with tools such as TweakUI, via network policies, and even through options in later versions of Windows itself, users or network admins can specify an alternate path to the physical folder. Plus, while "My Documents" is the English name, what's it called on a Hebrew or French system? Can you accommodate all the possible names for all the system shell folders?

In the managed environment document storage usually lives on network shares. Yet those shares may change at any time. The installation path and folder names for Windows itself can also be specified by the user during setup. By hard-coding full paths like "C:\My Documents" or "C:\Windows" into your application you fail to consider the user's specific installation or the network administrator's requirements. The net result is you end up requesting this from the user by either having them type in or locate the system folders for you, adding the extra step of confirming their existence before accessing the folder.

By using SHGetFolderPath to retrieve the path to special shell folders each and every time folder identification is required, your application will be able to dynamically cope with the user's potentially changing environment, across differing operating systems. SHGetFolderPath, in conjunction with the new CSIDLs (logical directory indicators), will easily retrieve the correct location for various types of data.  CSIDLs provide a unique system-independent way to identify special folders. There are CSIDLs for almost every important shell folder - CSIDL_PERSONAL, CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, CSIDL_FAVORITES and CSIDL_TEMPLATES are just a few of the ones more commonly used. This page, as well as others at VBnet (above), provide listings of CSIDLs for common locations.

And while it is possible to obtain folder paths by other means (user intervention, drive searches), remember that an administrator can change the path pointed to by these logical folders at any time. This means that, unless you query for the logical folder using a call to SHGetFolderPath, you may have out of date path information.

Note that some constants represent non-file system elements (e.g. Drives, Nethood) which are part of Windows explorer namespace. These elements do not return file system paths and so may not return a value to the textbox when selected.

System support for SHGetFolderPath is not native on Windows 98 (original version), Windows 95 (all versions), and Windows NT 4.0 (SP5 and earlier). These down level clients require the installation of new system files prior to use as mentioned above.

The illustrations shows the constant name, type (either a virtual or true file system path), any special considerations, and the typical results of the call. The actual path according to the currently logged-on user is reflected in the text box. Other options can be specified as the call's flags member.

 BAS Module Code

 Form Code
To a project form add a text box (Text1) and a list box (List1), along with three check boxes (Check1-Check3). Add the following to the form:

Option Explicit
' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved.
' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author.
' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own
'               applications, but you may not reproduce 
'               or publish this code on any web site,
'               online service, or distribute as source 
'               on any media without express permission.
    CSIDL_FONTS = &H14
    CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 = &H29
End Enum

Private Const SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = &H0 'current value for user, verify it exists
Private Const SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT = &H1

Private Const MAX_LENGTH = 260
Private Const S_OK = 0
Private Const S_FALSE = 1

Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" _
  (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SHGetFolderPath Lib "shfolder.dll" _
   Alias "SHGetFolderPathA" _
  (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, _
   ByVal nFolder As Long, _
   ByVal hToken As Long, _
   ByVal dwReserved As Long, _
   ByVal lpszPath As String) As Long

'General Declarations code (form)
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
  (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
   ByVal wMsg As Long, _
   ByVal wParam As Long, _
   lParam As Any) As Long

Private Const LB_SETTABSTOPS As Long = &H192

Private Sub Form_Load()

   ReDim TabArray(0 To 2) As Long

   TabArray(0) = 146
   TabArray(1) = 176
   TabArray(2) = 213
  'Clear existing tabs and set the list tabstop
   Call SendMessage(List1.hwnd, LB_SETTABSTOPS, 0&, ByVal 0&)
   Call SendMessage(List1.hwnd, LB_SETTABSTOPS, 4&, TabArray(0))

   With List1
      .AddItem "CSIDL_DESKTOP" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & ""
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_DESKTOP
      .AddItem "CSIDL_INTERNET" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Internet Explorer (icon on desktop)"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_INTERNET
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PROGRAMS" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Start Menu\Programs"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PROGRAMS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_CONTROLS" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Computer\Control Panel"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_CONTROLS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PRINTERS" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Computer\Printers"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PRINTERS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PERSONAL" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Documents"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PERSONAL
      .AddItem "CSIDL_FAVORITES" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Favorites"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_FAVORITES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_STARTUP" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_STARTUP
      .AddItem "CSIDL_RECENT" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Recent"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_RECENT
      .AddItem "CSIDL_SENDTO" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\SendTo"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_SENDTO
      .AddItem "CSIDL_BITBUCKET" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Recycle Bin"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_BITBUCKET
      .AddItem "CSIDL_STARTMENU" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Start Menu"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_STARTMENU
      .AddItem "CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\My Documents\"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_MYMUSIC" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\My Documents\My Music"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_MYMUSIC
      .AddItem "CSIDL_MYVIDEO" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\My Documents\My Video"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_MYVIDEO
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Desktop"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY
      .AddItem "CSIDL_DRIVES" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Computer"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_DRIVES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_NETWORK" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Network Neighborhood"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_NETWORK
      .AddItem "CSIDL_NETHOOD" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\nethood (may dupe My Network Places)"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_NETHOOD
      .AddItem "CSIDL_FONTS" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "windows\fonts"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_FONTS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_TEMPLATES" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\templates"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_TEMPLATES
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Start Menu"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Programs"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Startup"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Desktop"
      .AddItem "CSIDL_APPDATA" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v4.71" & vbTab & "\Application Data"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_APPDATA
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PRINTHOOD" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\PrintHood"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PRINTHOOD
      .AddItem "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & _
                vbTab & "\Local Settings\Applicaiton Data (non roaming)"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
      .AddItem "CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "nonlocalized startup program group"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "NT only" & _
                vbTab & "nonlocalized Startup group for all users"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "NT only" & _
                vbTab & "all user's favorite items"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v4.72" & _
                vbTab & "temporary Internet files"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COOKIES" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "NT only" & _
                vbTab & "Internet cookies"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COOKIES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_HISTORY" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "NT only" & _
                vbTab & "Internet history items"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_HISTORY
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & _
                vbTab & "\Application Data"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA
      .AddItem "CSIDL_WINDOWS" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "v5.0" & "Windows directory or SYSROOT"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_WINDOWS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_SYSTEM" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "v5.0" & "GetSystemDirectory()"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_SYSTEM
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & vbTab & "C:\Program Files"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_MYPICTURES " & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & vbTab & "\My Documents\My Pictures"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_MYPICTURES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PROFILE" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & _
                vbTab & "\"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PROFILE
      .AddItem "CSIDL_SYSTEMX86" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "x86 system directory on RISC"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_SYSTEMX86
      .AddItem "CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "x86 Program Files folder on RISC"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & _
                vbTab & "C:\Program Files\Common"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & _
                "x86 Program Files Common folder on RISC"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Templates"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Documents"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & _
                vbTab & "\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS " & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & "v5.0" & _
                vbTab & "\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_CONNECTIONS" & _
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Network and dial-up connections folder"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_CONNECTIONS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Music folder for all users"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Pictures folder for all users"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "My Video folder for all users"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO
      .AddItem "CSIDL_RESOURCES" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "System resource directory"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_RESOURCES
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Localized resource directory"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED
      .AddItem "CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Links to OEM specific apps for all users"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS
      .AddItem "CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA" & _
                vbTab & "file" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA
                vbTab & "virtual" & _
                vbTab & vbTab & "Computers Near Me folder"
      .ItemData(.NewIndex) = CSIDL_COMPUTERSNEARME
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()

   Dim csidl As Long
   If List1.ListIndex > -1 Then
      csidl = List1.ItemData(List1.ListIndex)
      If csidl > -1 Then
        'show the folder's current path
         Text1.Text = GetFolderPath(csidl, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT)
      End If

   End If

End Sub

Private Function GetFolderPath(csidl As Long, SHGFP_TYPE As Long) As String

   Dim buff As String
   Dim dwFlags As Long
  'fill buffer with the specified folder item
   buff = Space$(MAX_LENGTH)
   If Check1.Value = vbChecked Then dwFlags = dwFlags Or CSIDL_FLAG_PER_USER_INIT
   If Check2.Value = vbChecked Then dwFlags = dwFlags Or CSIDL_FLAG_NO_ALIAS
   If Check3.Value = vbChecked Then dwFlags = dwFlags Or CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY
   If SHGetFolderPath(Me.hwnd, _
                      csidl Or dwFlags, _
                      -1, _
                      SHGFP_TYPE, _
                      buff) = S_OK Then
       GetFolderPath = TrimNull(buff)
   End If
End Function

Private Function TrimNull(startstr As String) As String

   TrimNull = Left$(startstr, lstrlenW(StrPtr(startstr)))
End Function
Run and select an item from the list.  If the selected item represents a physical folder, and your system supports the call, the folder path will be displayed in the textbox.


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