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Visual Basic Common Control API
Routines CreateStatusWindow: The Common Control Status Bar via API |
Posted: | Sunday June 29, 1997 | |
Updated: | Monday December 26, 2011 | |
Applies to: | VB4-32, VB5, VB6 | |
Developed with: | VB4-32, Windows 95 | |
OS restrictions: | None | |
Author: | Brad Martinez | |
Related: |
InitCommonControlsEx: Common Control Initialization Module CreateStatusWindow: The Common Control Status Bar via API - Overview |
Prerequisites |
This project requires the BAS modules constructed in the
accompanying articles:
InitCommonControlsEx: Common Control Initialization Module |
![]() The advantages of this implementation are beneficial. First and foremost, any method that may reduce the need to distribute Comctl32.ocx with an application warrants examination. The size of the distributed app is reduced as is its memory footprint by not loading an ActiveX control. Finally, there is a noticeable improvement in performance. This page will deal with providing the basic functionality to create and display the status bar in your own apps, simplified from Brad's full version to provide an easier means of grasping the concepts required to implement this control in VB. |
BAS Module Code |
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Begin a new VB4-32 or VB5 project and add in both the BAS module 'InitCC.bas' from the initialization page and the BAS module from the Status Bar Overview page. Add a third BAS module (CommonStatusRoutines.bas) to the project and place the following API declare code into the general declarations area: |
Option Explicit '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved. ' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own ' applications, but you may not reproduce ' or publish this code on any web site, ' online service, or distribute as source ' on any media without express permission. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Public Declare Function DestroyWindow Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Public Declare Function IsWindow Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Public Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, _ ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _ Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal wMsg As Long, _ wParam As Any, _ lParam As Any) As Long 'The data type for lpRect was changed from "As RECT" to '"As Any" to allow a null pointer to be passed (i.e. ByRef 0) 'BTW the RECT structure is declared in MStatusDefs Public Declare Function InvalidateRect Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ lpRect As Any, _ ByVal bErase As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ lpRect As RECT) As Long Public Function GetParts(hStatBar As Long) As Integer 'Returns the current number of existing parts in the status bar. 'The SB_GETPARTS message also retrieve individual part 'information. See the comments in Status.bas for more info. GetParts = SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_GETPARTS, 0, ByVal 0) End Function Public Sub SetText(hStatBar As Long, _ bPart As Byte, _ wNewDrawOp As Integer, _ sText As String) 'Sets the specified part's text. ' 'bPart:zero-based part to set, 255 = simple mode text. 'wNewDrawOp:text drawing operation. 'sText:text to set Dim wCurDrawOp As Integer 'Get the part's current drawing operation 'before it might be updated below. wCurDrawOp = GetCurDrawOp(hStatBar, bPart, False) 'Set the text w/ the drawing operation SendMessage hStatBar, SB_SETTEXT, ByVal bPart Or wNewDrawOp, ByVal sText 'Redraw the status bar only if the part's drawing 'operation changed (reduces flicker). If wCurDrawOp <> wNewDrawOp Then InvalidateRect hStatBar, ByVal 0, True End Sub Public Function GetCurDrawOp(hStatBar As Long, _ bPart As Byte, _ fRtnString As Boolean) As String 'Returns the current text drawing operation for the specified part. ' 'SB_GETTEXTLENGTH is used to determine the part's current 'drawing operation. SB_GETTEXT will rtn the exact same value, 'but requires a text buffer. ' 'When not in simple mode, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH retrieves the 'text length for the part specified by bPart (0-254, 255 parts max). 'If in simple mode, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH will retrieve the simple 'mode text length *only* if bPart specifies any *valid* part index. 'The simple mode text length is NOT retrieved when bPart = 255 '(as is used to set text w/ SB_SETTEXT). Also applies to 'SB_GETTEXT. ' 'If fRtnString = True, returns the text drawing operation constant 'string. If False, returns the text drawing operation constant value. Dim dwRtn As Long dwRtn = SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, ByVal bPart, 0) 'The text drawing operation for the specified 'part is contained in the high word of dwRtn. dwRtn = (dwRtn And &HFFFF0000) \ &HFFFF& If fRtnString Then 'Returning the string Select Case dwRtn Case SBT_SUNKEN: GetCurDrawOp = "SBT_SUNKEN" Case SBT_NOBORDERS: GetCurDrawOp = "SBT_NOBORDERS" Case SBT_POPOUT: GetCurDrawOp = "SBT_POPOUT" End Select Else 'Returning the value GetCurDrawOp = dwRtn End If End Function Public Sub SetParts(frm As Form, hStatBar As Long, bParts As Byte) '1-255 max! 'Sets the specified number of status bar parts. 'Any existing part with a greater index than the number of parts 'specified by bParts is destroyed, i.e 8 existing parts (0-7), 6 is 'specified for bParts, the last 2 parts (6 & 7) are destroyed. 'Array is zero based, will error back to 'cmdDoMsgs_Click() if 0 is passed. ReDim adwParts(bParts - 1) As Long Dim bPart As Byte 'Set all but the last part so they have an equal width. For bPart = 1 To bParts - 1 adwParts(bPart - 1) = (frm.ScaleWidth \ bParts) * bPart Next 'Last part uses remaining real estate & extends to right edge. adwParts(bParts - 1) = -1 SendMessage hStatBar, SB_SETPARTS, ByVal bParts, adwParts(0) End Sub |
Form Code |
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Create a new form, and add the following controls:
text box Text1
text box Text2
8 check boxes Check1(0) - Check1(7)
check box Check2
command button Command1
command button Command2
command button Command3
command button Command4
command button Command4
Add the following to the general declarations section of the form: |
Option Explicit 'mode flag used in case fIsNewComctl = False 'and status bar handle Dim fIsNewComctl As Boolean Dim hStatBar As Long Private Sub Form_Load() 'Rtns true & sets the flag if we have the new version 'of Comctl32.dll. fIsNewComctl = InitComctl32(ICC_BAR_CLASSES) Move (Screen.Width - Width) * 0.5, (Screen.Height - Height) * 0.5 'We need pixels to for some of the msgs. ScaleMode = vbPixels 'Enable controls accordingly. EnableCtrls False End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() 'Brings a brand new status bar into the world... Dim adwParts(1) As Long 'Creates a status bar. The specified text is placed in 'the one and only part (aka Comctl32.ocx "Panel"). 'Is a bit simpler to call than CreateWindowEx()... hStatBar = CreateStatusWindow(GetStyles(), "A status bar...", Me.hWnd, 0) If hStatBar Then 'When the status bar is created, it will automatically set its 'own size & position, *unless* either the CCS_NORESIZE 'or CCS_NOPARENTALIGN styles are specified. We won't 'bother checking the styles... MoveWindow hStatBar, 0, ScaleHeight - 20, ScaleWidth, 20, True 'We'll initially create a status bar with 2 "parts". The 1st is 100 'pixels less than the width of the status bar, the 2nd is 100 'pixels wide & extends to the right edge of the status bar. '(the SetParts() proc way below doesn't provide for setting 'individual part widths) adwParts(0) = ScaleWidth - 100 adwParts(1) = -1 'wParam = number of parts 'lParam = part position array, 0 based If SendMessage(hStatBar, SB_SETPARTS, ByVal 2, adwParts(0)) Then 'We'll set the status bar's 2nd panel text now. 'Each part stores its own text, independent of other parts' text. 'The text is shown when the part is displayed. SetText hStatBar, 1, SBT_SUNKEN, "panel 2" End If 'Enables all controls accordingly EnableCtrls True Else MsgBox "Uh oh..." End If End Sub Private Sub EnableCtrls(fEnable As Boolean) 'Enables/Disables all controls, with the exception of the '"Text drawing operation" ctrls, per the fEnable flag. Dim cnt As Integer 'Style checkboxes For cnt = 2 To 7 Check1(cnt).Enabled = Not fEnable Next Command1.Enabled = Not fEnable Command2.Enabled = fEnable Command3.Enabled = fEnable Command4.Enabled = fEnable Command4.Enabled = True End Sub Private Function GetStyles() As Long 'Returns the styles from the selected "Styles" checkboxes. ' 'Certain styles act differently when OR'd w/ other styles, 'producing interesting status bar behavior. Dim dwRtn As Long If Check1(0) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or WS_VISIBLE If Check1(1) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or WS_CHILD If Check1(2) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or SBARS_SIZEGRIP If Check1(3) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or CCS_TOP If Check1(4) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or CCS_NOMOVEY If Check1(5) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or CCS_BOTTOM If Check1(6) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or CCS_NORESIZE If Check1(7) Then dwRtn = dwRtn Or CCS_NOPARENTALIGN GetStyles = dwRtn End Function Private Sub Command2_Click() 'Frees all resources associated with the progress bar & 'enables all controls accordingly. ' 'If it is not destroyed here, the progress bar will automatically 'be destroyed when its parent window (the window specified in 'the hWndParent param of CreateStatusWindow()) is destroyed. If IsWindow(hStatBar) Then DestroyWindow hStatBar hStatBar = 0 EnableCtrls False End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() SetText hStatBar, 0, SBT_SUNKEN, (Text2.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() SetParts Me, hStatBar, Val(Text1.Text) End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() If IsWindow(hStatBar) Then DestroyWindow hStatBar Unload Me End Sub |
Comments |
Run the project, select options, and hit Create. A default status bar with 2 panels and the text "A status bar" is created. Once it exists, you can set the number of panels displayed, and the text (for panel 1, just to keep the example simple). |
Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet and Randy Birch. All Rights Reserved. |
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