question appears so often in the newsgroups as to almost qualify as a FAQ. In answering one such question, Larry Serflaten provided this
demo takes the contents of a picture (or image) control, and the
contents of a
text box, and creates a composite file that contains both. The key to this method
(which in this demo saves the picture followed by the textbox text) is
saving to the end of the file an additional Long value that represents the
picture size; a value that indicates where in the file one block of
data ends and the next block begins.
On loading the file, the
Long value is retrieved first, a byte array is dimensioned to the size
required to load the image data, and the picture is loaded
into the byte array. The remaining portion of the file (minus the
trailing Long) is retrieved directly back into
the text box. Both steps use VB's Binary file mode; no APIs are
To create this demo load any
picture into a picture box, and any text
into the textbox. The size of the data placed into the textbox is of no consequence, unless
of course such text exceeds the text control's maximum capacity. |
Option Explicit
' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved.
' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author.
' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own
' applications, but you may not reproduce
' or publish this code on any web site,
' online service, or distribute as source
' on any media without express permission.
Const sCombinedFile = "d:\vb5\test\combined.dat"
Const sTmpPix = "d:\vb5\test\picxtract.bmp"
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim nImageSize As Long
Dim hFile As Long
'save the picture portion as the first entry
'in the "combined file"
SavePicture Picture1.Picture, sCombinedFile
'Open the combined file for append in order to
'add the text to file
hFile = FreeFile
Open sCombinedFile For Binary As #hFile
'Retrieve the size of the image into a
'variable for later use, then append the
'text into the same file.
nImageSize = LOF(hFile)
Seek #hFile, nImageSize + 1
Put #hFile, , Text1.Text
'The file now contains both the image
'and text file. As a final step, we
'save the length of image retrieved
'above as the last item in the file.
Seek #hFile, LOF(hFile)
Put #hFile, LOF(hFile) + 1, nImageSize
Close #hFile
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Set Picture1.Picture = Nothing
Text1.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim nImageSize As Long
Dim hFile As Long
Dim hFileOut As Long
Dim PicData() As Byte
'First step in the extraction process is to
'obtain the length of image portion saved
'as the last item in the file.
hFile = FreeFile
Open sCombinedFile For Binary As #hFile
'move to the LOF - 3 and load the
'saved image size
Seek #hFile, LOF(hFile) - 3
Get #hFile, , nImageSize
'with the image size, create a byte array
'large enough to accommodate the image
ReDim PicData(0 To nImageSize - 1) As Byte
'and load the image data, repositioning the
'file pointer to the beginning first
Seek #hFile, 1
Get #hFile, , PicData()
'write the pix to a temporary file in
'order to use the LoadPicture method.
hFileOut = FreeFile
Open sTmpPix For Binary As #hFileOut
Put #hFileOut, , PicData()
Close #hFileOut
'load the text portion to the textbox. The
'text begins immediately after the image, and
'extends for the file length minus the trailing
'4 bytes for the Long that stored the image size.
Seek #hFile, nImageSize + 1
Text1.Text = Input(LOF(hFile) - nImageSize - 4, hFile)
Close #hFile
'Load the saved image from the tmp file
'and kill it
Picture1 = LoadPicture(sTmpPix)
Kill sTmpPix
End Sub |