Visual Basic WMI System Services
Win32_PointingDevice: WMI Pointing Device Info
Posted:   Tuesday March 26, 2002
Updated:   Monday November 28, 2011
Applies to:   VB5, VB6
Developed with:   VB6, Windows XP
OS restrictions:   Windows NT, 2000, XP. See Prerequisites below.
Author:   VBnet - Randy Birch


Win32_DesktopMonitor: WMI Desktop Monitor Info
Win32_DisplayConfiguration: WMI Display Configuration Info
Win32_VideoController: WMI Video Controller Info
Windows Script Host is built into Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, ME and XP. If you are running Windows 95 or NT4, you can download Windows Script Host from the Microsoft Windows Script Technologies Web site at Some information is not returned on non-NT-based systems.

A reference set in Projects / References to the Microsoft WMI Scripting Library.

The Win32_PointingDevice WMI class represents an input device used to point to and select regions on the display of a Windows computer system. Any device used to manipulate a pointer, or point to the display on a Windows computer system is a member of this class.

This demo and illustration only show some of the available information from the class. For a complete listing see the table in the Comments section below. Note that some systems may not return information in all class properties.

 BAS Module Code

 Form Code
To a form add a command button (Command1) and a listview (Listview1). Set a reference in Projects / References to the Microsoft WMI Scripting Library, and add the following to the form:

Option Explicit
' Copyright ©1996-2011 VBnet/Randy Birch, All Rights Reserved.
' Some pages may also contain other copyrights by the author.
' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own
'               applications, but you may not reproduce 
'               or publish this code on any web site,
'               online service, or distribute as source 
'               on any media without express permission.
'listview column auto-resizing
Private Const LVM_FIRST As Long = &H1000
Private Const LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH As Long = (LVM_FIRST + 30)
Private Const LVSCW_AUTOSIZE As Long = -1

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
   Alias "SendMessageA" _
  (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
   ByVal wMsg As Long, _
   ByVal wParam As Long, _
   lParam As Any) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()

   With ListView1
      .View = lvwReport
      .Sorted = False
   End With
   Command1.Caption = "PointingDevice Info"
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

   Call wmiPointingDeviceInfo
   Call lvAutosizeControl(ListView1)
End Sub

Private Sub lvAutosizeControl(lv As ListView)

   Dim col2adjust As Long

  'Size each column based on the maximum of
  'wither the ColumnHeader text width, or,
  'if the items below it are wider, the
  'widest list item in the column
   lv.Visible = False
   For col2adjust = 0 To lv.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1
      Call SendMessage(lv.hwnd, _
                       LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, _
                       col2adjust, _
                       ByVal LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)

   lv.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub wmiPointingDeviceInfo()

   Dim wmiObjSet  As SWbemObjectSet
   Dim obj        As SWbemObject
   Dim msg        As String
   Dim thiscol    As Long
   Dim itmx       As ListItem

   On Local Error Resume Next
  'add first column and set initial parameters
   With ListView1
      .View = lvwReport
      .Sorted = False
      .ColumnHeaders.Add , , "WMI Property"
      .ListItems.Add , , "Description"
      .ListItems.Add , , "Status"
      .ListItems.Add , , "ConfigManagerErrorCode"
      .ListItems.Add , , "Manufacturer"
      .ListItems.Add , , "Name"
      .ListItems.Add , , "HardwareType"
      .ListItems.Add , , "DeviceInterface"
      .ListItems.Add , , "DoubleSpeedThreshold"
      .ListItems.Add , , "Handedness"
      .ListItems.Add , , "NumberOfButtons"
      .ListItems.Add , , "PointingType"
      .ListItems.Add , , "QuadSpeedThreshold"
      .ListItems.Add , , "DeviceID"
      .ListItems.Add , , "PNPDeviceID"
   End With
   Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"). _
  'fill in respective data
   For Each obj In wmiObjSet
      With ListView1
         .ColumnHeaders.Add , , obj.Description
         thiscol = (.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1)
         .ListItems(1).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.Description
         .ListItems(2).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.Status
         Select Case obj.ConfigManagerErrorCode
            Case 0: msg = "This device is working properly."
            Case 1: msg = "This device is not configured correctly."
            Case 2: msg = "Windows cannot load the driver for this device."
            Case 3: msg = "The driver might be corrupted, or your system " & _
                           "may be running low on memory or other resources."
            Case 4: msg = "This device is not working properly. One of its " & _
                           "drivers or your registry might be corrupted."
            Case 5: msg = "The driver for this device needs a resource " & _
                           "that Windows cannot manage."
            Case 6: msg = "The boot configuration for this device " & _
                          "conflicts with other devices."
            Case 7: msg = "Cannot filter."
            Case 8: msg = "The driver loader for the device is missing."
            Case 9: msg = "This device is not working properly because" & _
                          "the controlling firmware is reporting the " & _
                          "resources for the device incorrectly."
            Case 10: msg = "This device cannot start."
            Case 11: msg = "This device failed."
            Case 12: msg = "This device cannot find enough free " & _
                           "resources that it can use."
            Case 13: msg = "Windows cannot verify this device's resources."
            Case 14: msg = "This device cannot work properly until " & _
                           "you restart your computer."
            Case 15: msg = "This device is not working properly because " & _
                           "there is probably a re-enumeration problem."
            Case 16: msg = "Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses."
            Case 17: msg = "This device is asking for an unknown resource type."
            Case 18: msg = "Reinstall the drivers for this device."
            Case 19: msg = "Failure using the VXD loader."
            Case 20: msg = "Your registry might be corrupted."
            Case 21: msg = "System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. " & _
                           "If that does not work, see your hardware " & _
                           "documentation. Windows is removing this device."
            Case 22: msg = "This device is disabled."
            Case 23: msg = "System failure: Try changing the driver for " & _
                           "this device. If that doesn't work, see your " & _
                           "hardware documentation."
            Case 24: msg = "This device is not present, is not working " & _
                           "properly, or does not have all its drivers installed."
            Case 25: msg = "Windows is still setting up this device."
            Case 26: msg = "Windows is still setting up this device."
            Case 27: msg = "This device does not have valid log configuration."
            Case 28: msg = "The drivers for this device are not installed."
            Case 29: msg = "This device is disabled because the firmware of " & _
                           "the device did not give it the required resources."
            Case 30: msg = "This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) " & _
                           "resource that another device is using."
            Case 31: msg = "This device is not working properly because Windows " & _
                           "cannot load the drivers required for this device."
         End Select
         .ListItems(3).SubItems(thiscol) = msg
         .ListItems(4).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.Manufacturer
         .ListItems(5).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.Name
         .ListItems(6).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.HardwareType
         Select Case obj.DeviceInterface
            Case 1: msg = "Other"
            Case 2: msg = "Unknown"
            Case 3: msg = "Serial"
            Case 4: msg = "PS/2"
            Case 5: msg = "Infrared"
            Case 6: msg = "HP-HIL"
            Case 7: msg = "Bus mouse"
            Case 8: msg = "ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)"
            Case 160: msg = "Bus mouse DB-9"
            Case 161: msg = "Bus mouse micro-DIN"
            Case 162: msg = "USB"
         End Select
         .ListItems(7).SubItems(thiscol) = msg
         .ListItems(8).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.DoubleSpeedThreshold
         .ListItems(9).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.Handedness
         .ListItems(10).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.NumberOfButtons
         .ListItems(11).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.PointingType
         .ListItems(12).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.QuadSpeedThreshold
         .ListItems(13).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.DeviceID
         .ListItems(14).SubItems(thiscol) = obj.PNPDeviceID
      End With

End Sub
All information returned in the Win32_PointingDevice class (note that some systems may not return information in all class properties):
uint16 Availability
string Caption
uint32 ConfigManagerErrorCode
boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig
string CreationClassName
string Description
string DeviceID
uint16 DeviceInterface
uint32 DoubleSpeedThreshold
boolean ErrorCleared
string ErrorDescription
uint16 Handedness
string HardwareType
string InfFileName
string InfSection
datetime InstallDate
boolean IsLocked
uint32 LastErrorCode
string Manufacturer
string Name
uint8 NumberOfButtons
string PNPDeviceID
uint16 PointingType
uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[]
boolean PowerManagementSupported
uint32 QuadSpeedThreshold
uint32 Resolution
uint32 SampleRate
string Status
uint16 StatusInfo
uint32 Synch
string SystemCreationClassName
string SystemName


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